Aims and Objectives
Subject to modifications, suggestions and amendments by the enlarged drafting members of the consulting group, the Pan-Africanist International shall be established with the following as its principal objectives:
1. Promoting Pan-Africanism:
to help reinforce the vibrant flames of panafricanism burning throughout the diaspora and on the continent and to equally promote the increasingly urgent and enduring imperatives of the struggle for the total liberation and unification of Africa as a single sovereign entity requisite for the consolidation of her political independence, and as a bulwark against neocolonialist subversion and manipulation of the peoples' right to self-determination, in order to withstand imperialist sabotage in all their ramifications and be able to create real opportunities for effective democratic institutions, self-determination and social mobility, social justice, economic development, and thereby contribute positively in the all-round development of the individual as a member of society, and help in improving the quality of life for all;
2. Networking for change:
to assist in the engineering and the construction of a political platform to facilitate self-mobilisation and to service and power bottom-up, people-to-people, polycentric and democratic mass movement constantly networking for synergies and seeking common grounds for effective strategies, non-violent joint-actions, and to create infrastructure appropriate to our needs to live in peace and in dignity, in a common determination to help put a permanent end to an old story beginning from centuries of slavery, to colonialism, neocolonialism, and today's real and continental dangers;
3. Interactive information
to help establish in a very systematic and comprehensive manner, an authentic clearing-house of research, information gathering, handling, distribution, exchanges and other consciousness-raising activities focusing attention, encouraging reflection and stimulating informed discussions and actions on the need for change, what needs to be changed, and the direction of such a change, in the light of concrete historical experience of struggle of the working classes throughout the world, theoretical analysis, identification, defence and the advancement of the interests of Africa's poor and constantly alienated peasantry and working class majority;
4. Challenging Neocolonialist Dogmas and Imperialist Propaganda:
to help promote non-violent and exclusivesly peaceful means of social and political advocacy through the promotion of political litracy, and mounting challenges to neocolonialist propaganda and subterfuges, neoliberal imperialist mantras and distortions, dogmas of the extreme right, racism, ethnocentricism, and all forms of xenophobia, discrimination based on sex, caste, religion, nationalism, and bourgeois notions of supremacy, leftwing extremism, fascist terrorrism by states and groups and generally support people's struggles, international working class solidarity, particularly in the effective reversals of the institutionalised mechanisms of social exclusion and economic exploitation beginning with the World Bank and the IMF and the international finance monopoly capital, which are nothing more than modern versions of slavery and man's inhumanity to man;
5. International Solidarity
to help in the intensification of international solidarity campaigns involving a broad range of stake-holders, inter-disciplinary team that pay more attention to solutions that address root causes of the recurrent and emerging problems facing our people in order to power the needed changes. To enter into close collaboration with local and international organisations whose interest concern the contradictions within and between states, that generate the phenomenon of the rich getting richer at the expense of the poor, the ecology, peace, and social progress.
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