We welcome your contributions. You can mail your articles, pictures, ideas, etc here. If you publish your own blog, send us a link and we'll add it to our blog-roll.
We are living in a very decisive moment of history. Everything points to that, including the very survival of all forms of life on earth. The real problem is that not many people really bother about this enormous responsibility of our times. This is what makes it scary. We remain optimists though. Trouble is how much time have we got, if we can even help to make any difference?
We feel it important to provide information on a number of relevant issues, including culture and media and we'll be launching regular campaigns on current issues. To advance communication, we'll be providing a forum where you can register and open your own topics.
For those who wish to organise or help us get organized, please do. We'll be adding useful tools that will enable people to connect wherever they may be. One of these will be our magazine which we are going to publish on a regular basis. If you're an artist, photographer or wish to add your ideas, text and analyses, feel welcome.
That's basically our message: we are here for you
"I completely agree with you on this:
We are living in a very decisive moment of history. Everything points to that, including the very survival of all forms of life on earth. The real problem is that not many people really bother about this enormous responsibility of our times. This is what makes it scary. I remain an optimist though. Trouble is how much time have we got, if we can even help to make any difference?
I like the idea of the website, and for articles and statements meant to have more permanence than most blog posts, I think you are exactly right with making things "as simple as possible and as detailed as you click". The other thing is you want to do is to tell a story. That usually means introduce the themes and any characters, say what you have to say with links for more details, and wrap it up by neatly and succinctly stating your conclusions, telling people the end of the story. Everybody likes a good story. The more your document reads like a good story and the less it reads like a manifesto the better. Manifestos are important and necessary too. But they should be short.
Networking/Organizations/ Movements: Where movements come to grief is factions fighting among themselves. As much as a movement or organization can allow for multiple points of view and a variety of approaches the better. The more any group is doctrinaire, the more it undermines its own support and credibility.
I think it is critically important to be non violent as a political movement for credibility. Violence backfires and discredits the movement, as in blowing up children and families. Additionally violence gives immediate permission to act outside the law. That usually leads very quickly to criminal activity, the drug and weapons trade, which are the same, kidnapping, terrorism, etc. A lot of criminal activity goes on in the Niger Delta in the name of liberation, the IRA turned into a mostly criminal gang. The crime and drug business is what many Latin American liberation movements became. There are times for violent resistance. I don't see any use or reason for it in Ghana at present. It is very much a last resort.
There are situations where violence is appropriate, as for instance, to eliminate warring criminal gangs that make life hell for the average citizen. The danger here of course is that any military presence risks becoming just another one of the warring groups plaguing the population. And there are occasional justifications for violent insurrections. I'm not a pacifist, but I do not like to see lives wasted for nothing. Most violent conflict is lives wasted for nothing."
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